
Bothersome Fish Oil Side Effects

Bothersome Fish Oil Side Effects

Many people may experience gastrointestinal-related side effects from fish oil, such as:

* A fishy aftertaste
* Bad breath
* Heartburn or indigestion
* Nausea
* Diarrhea.

Some people find that keeping their fish oil supplement in the freezer helps to reduce many of the gastrointestinal-related side effects. As with other fish oil side effects, your risk of gastrointestinal problems increases with a higher fish oil dosage.
Fish Oil Side Effects.

Fish Oil Side Effects.

Fish Oil Side Effects.

Omega 3 high doses used in some disorders may have side effects. These omega 3 side effects may disappear after a few days, when your body gets used to it. If after a couple of weeks you don’t see an improvement, try a different brand of fish oil, it may help.

Possible Omega 3 side effects:

* Aftertaste. When you start taking fish oil it may appear, but should go away after a few days.
* Some degree of diarrhea may initially show up, but not for long.
* Blood thinning effect will aggregate if you are taking other blood thinners. But if you have any heart disorder do not stop taking your Omega 3. It is always a heart healthy supplement. Tell your doctor.
* Fishy burps. Try different times of the day, before and after meals. It could also be an indication that the oil you are taking could be rancid. Or it may disappear after a few days. Last, try freezing the caps, this way they don´t dissolve in your stomach but in your intestine. One final idea, try enteric-coated fish capsules. That should do it.
* Abdominal discomfort. The same as diarrhea, it should disappear after a few days.
* Increase antioxidant requirements. Taking 400 IU/ day of vitamin E may be enough to correct this situation.
* Nose bleeding has been reported.
* If you are taking Cod liver oil supplements beware that it has vitamin A and D, so you may accumulate them in your body and, eventually, get poisoned, but you need large quantities to get to the poison level. Normal fish oil supplements do not have vitamin A or D.
Fish Oil Side Effects

Special Care to Avoid Some Fish Oil Side Effects.

Special Care to Avoid Some Fish Oil Side Effects.

Fish Oil Side Effects

Polyunsaturated oils, including the omega 3 fats, are extremely susceptible to damage from heat, light, and oxygen. When exposed to these elements for too long, the fatty acids in the oil become oxidized, that is rancid.

Rancidity not only alters the flavor and smell of the oil, but it also diminishes the nutritional value. More importantly, the oxidation of fatty acids produces free radicals, which are believed to play a role in the development of cancer and o some degenerative diseases.

As a result, oils rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids should be stored in dark glass, tightly closed containers in the refrigerator or freezer. In addition, these oils should never be heated on the stove. So, instead of sautéing your vegetables in flaxseed or walnut oil, make a salad dressing using these oils.

When purchasing an omega 3 fatty acid supplement, remember that these oils are highly sensitive to damage from heat, light and oxygen. Choose a certified organic product that has been refrigerated and is packaged in a dark brown or green glass jar and be sure to store the product in your refrigerator or freezer.
Fish Oil Side Effects